DIY Wills vs. Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney

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Estate planning is an essential aspect of securing your family's future. The process of creating a will can be daunting, with options like drafting it yourself or seeking the assistance of an estate planning attorney. With the emergence of online will creation tools, you now have a third option, which offers convenience and affordability. In this article, we will compare the pros and cons of creating a will online, particularly on, versus hiring an estate planning attorney, while emphasizing the cost advantages of using online tools for simple wills.

Advantages of Online Will Creation:


Creating a will online on costs just $75, whereas hiring an attorney can cost hundreds of dollars, starting at around $350. Competing online websites charge a minimum of $150-$175 and may include hidden monthly subscription fees. provides a straightforward, affordable option for creating a simple will without any hidden costs.


Online will creation platforms like enable users to create a state-specific, legally binding will from the comfort of their homes. You can access the website and its estate planning toolset anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need for scheduling appointments or traveling to a law office.

User-Friendly Interface: has designed an intuitive estate planning toolset, tested and used by thousands of people. This user-friendly interface simplifies the will creation process, making it accessible for those who may not have extensive legal knowledge.

Speed and Efficiency:

Creating a will online is generally quicker than working with an attorney. You can complete the process in one sitting, whereas an attorney might require multiple appointments and several weeks to finalize your will.

Disadvantages of Online Will Creation:

Limited Legal Advice:

One drawback of using online tools is the lack of personalized legal advice. An estate planning attorney can provide tailored guidance based on your unique situation, ensuring that all aspects of your estate are addressed.

Complex Estates:

Online will creation tools may not be suitable for those with complex estates or specific legal concerns, such as blended families, large assets, or international property holdings. In these cases, consulting an attorney is recommended.

Advantages of Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney:

Personalized Legal Guidance:

An attorney can provide expert advice tailored to your unique circumstances and ensure your will accurately reflects your wishes.

Handling Complex Estates:

Estate planning attorneys have the expertise to navigate complex legal situations, making them ideal for addressing more intricate estates.

Disadvantages of Hiring an Estate Planning Attorney:

Higher Costs:

As mentioned earlier, hiring an attorney can be expensive, starting at $350 and potentially increasing depending on the complexity of your estate.


Working with an attorney often involves scheduling appointments and multiple consultations, making the process more time-consuming than using an online tool.


Ultimately, the choice between creating a will online or hiring an estate planning attorney depends on your specific needs and budget. For individuals with simple estates, online will creation platforms like offer a cost-effective, convenient, and user-friendly solution. However, those with more complex situations may benefit from personalized legal guidance provided by an estate planning attorney.

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